Thursday, 13 February 2025

E Editorial

Faith, Hope, Love

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Faith, hope, and love are fundamental Christian virtues that are closely interrelated. Faith and love can be likened to a pair of rays that illuminate the world and life itself. Faith is also the greatest power in the world, through which victories are forged. Hope serves as the sole consolation that enables a person to live, providing strength to persevere and move forward. Without hope, everything becomes devoid of meaning. Love encompasses the entirety of the universe; it is the most potent unifying force in the Christian life. St. Paul the Apostle articulates in his letter to the Corinthians (Cor. 13:13), "And now these three remain: faith [an abiding trust in God and His promises], hope [confident expectation of eternal salvation], love [unselfish love for others growing out of God’s love for me]; but the greatest of these is love."

Why was it necessary to turn to Christian values at this crucial juncture for Armenia? Apparently, the reason lies in the atmosphere of these days and the air filled with bright faith, hope, and optimism, which arrived in Yerevan on the wings of the spring breeze from the Tavush Mountains on May 9, accompanying the five-day march of the "Tavush for the Homeland" movement led by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanian, the Primate of the Diocese of Tavush. Hope and faith... If these are absent, there will be no love, without which it is difficult to find a way out of the challenging situation in which Armenia has found itself as a result of the policies pursued by its incompetent rulers.

The regime, which maintains its inglorious power exclusively through police force, has failed in all spheres. The only thing it succeeds in is ceding territories of the country to the enemy under the guise of delimitation, without gaining anything in return, but continuing to satisfy Aliyev's insatiable appetite. And the four Armenian strategic villages of Tavush are not the last "delicious piece" to be transferred to Azerbaijan at the request of the Turkish-Azerbaijani couple. The person occupying the seat of the prime minister of the Republic of Armenia kills the only comfort of the people every day: hope. They spread hopelessness, fear of war, and a feeling of despair among the people.

The Tavush protest movement was not born out of nowhere. It is a movement of dignity, truth, and self-purification against a weak, lying leader and his team. They have divided society into segments that hate each other according to past-present, black-white, pro-Russian-pro-Western dividing lines, and they have planned to destroy the national identity. They aim to alter the family, the school, faith, and state symbols, attempting to edit or rewrite Armenian studies textbooks with the taste of the infamous tandem. In other words, we are dealing with an anti-national regime that deliberately divides the public in order to weaken the spirit of national resistance and continue to rule.

This may be the only way out to preserve the physical existence of the regime and each of its members, because the punishment for the calamity they have brought upon the people will be very severe. They understand this well, and in order to save their own skin, they are even ready to ignore the possibility of the loss of the state and the physical destruction of the Armenian people, as happened in Artsakh. The residents of Kirants and other border villages, who feel badly cheated, were led by the spiritual leader of the Tavush Diocese to bring to Yerevan the deep concern for the upcoming challenges threatening Armenia and their families.

The Armenian Center for National and International Studies

Yerznkian 75, 0033
Yerevan, Armenia


+374 10 528780 / 274818



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