ACNIS director Manvel Sargsian is the guest speaker of “Tesaketneri Khachmeruk” program on Radio Liberty.

Center analyst Saro Saroyan’s comments on “Probability of the Border Opening Between Armenia and Turkey Is Too Small” are covered by News.am news agency.


Manvel Sargsian gives comments to 1in.am news agency on “Armenia Would Conduct Other Foreign Policy if the Authorities Had Legitimacy.”


In WashingtonDC, US, ACNIS founder Raffi K. Hovannisian meets and confers with Deputy Secretary of State Eric Rubin.

Hovannisian delivers a keynote address during an event entitled “A Conversation on Armenia,” organized for an audience of diplomats, policy-makers, and intellectuals at the George Washington University Law School, co-sponsored by the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, Policy Forum Armenia, and the Armenian Bar Association.

ACNIS senior analyst Hovsep Khurshudian takes part in a roundtable discussion entitled “Restoration of Railways in the South Caucasus,” organized by International Alert.

Center analyst Edgar Vardanian gives comments to Galatv.am news agency on offshore scandal in Armenia.


ACNIS director Manvel Sargsian gives a commentary to Arminfo.am news agency on “The Situation in Turkey Is Reflection of the Processes Evolving in the Islamic World.”

Sargsian’s comments on “We Should Not Make Comparisons” are covered by Irates.am news agency.

Edgar Vardanian gives comments to Gala internet television on “Ahead of Elections the Price for Opposition Increases.”


Manvel Sargsian’s comments on US Secretary of State John Kerry’s statement on the Karabagh issue are covered by Regnum.ru news agency.

Edgar Vardanian gives a commentary to Irates De Facto daily on “The Authorities Will Try to Find Selective Solutions.”

Vardanian’s comments on “How Civil Struggle in Turkey Turned Into Anti-Government Protests” are covered by 1in.am news agency.


ACNIS director Manvel Sargsian meets and confers with Second Secretary Pawel Wolowski of the Polish Embassy in Moscow.

Manvel Sargsian is the guest of “Ditaket” program on Civilnet internet television.


Sargsian’s comments on the Karabagh issue are published by Hayots Ashkharh daily.

Center analysts Saro Saroyan and Edgar Vardanian take part in an international conference entitled “Caucasus 2013,” organized by Caucasus Institute.

Saro Saroyan gives an interview to Irates.am news agency on “They [Opposition Forces] Can Not Even Sit Around a Table and Discuss Issues."

Saroyan gives comments to Galatv.am news agency on Syunik’s governor Suren Khachatryan’s resignation.


Manvel Sargsian is the guest of “Mtavorakani Hartak” program on Lratvakan radio.


ACNIS holds an interactive lecture on “Toppling Authoritarian Regimes:
Serbian and Chilean Experience,” with the presentation by Center analyst Edgar Vardanian, covered by Gala internet television, and Mardik.am news agency.


Center analyst Edgar Vardanian gives a commentary to ArmeniaNow.com news agency on Putin-Obama-Hollande statement on the Karabagh issue at G8 Summit.

Vardanian’s comments on offshore scandal in Armenia are covered by Golos Rossii radio.


ACNIS director Manvel Sargsian gives comments to Operativ.am news agency on “What Is the Political Culture in Armenia.”

Edgar Vardanian’s comments on the necessity of personnel replacements in the Armenian state bodies are covered by Armradio 107 FM.


Center hosts a group of professors and students from University of California, Irvine. During the meeting ACNIS director Manvel Sargsian and analyst Saro Saroyan brief the guests on the Center’s research concerning Armenia-Turkey relations, and their overall vision of the prospects for promoting dialogue between these two countries.

Edgar Vardanian gives comments to A1plus.am news agency on manipulation of the Karabagh issue in PACE.

Vardanian’s comments on the findings of the Control Chamber president are covered by Hayeli.am news agency.

Edgar Vardanian gives a commentary to Irates.am news agency on “We Should Not Overestimate the EU Integration.”


Center releases the forth issue of the ACNIS quarterly public policy publication, entitled “ The Changing World: Viewpoints from Yerevan,” during a special presentation-seminar. The meeting brought together the quarterly’s contributors, other leading analysts, policy specialists, and members of the press.

ACNIS director Manvel Sargsian gives comments to Tert.am news agency on “This Is Not Such a Region Where We Can Be Led by the ‘Nothing Personal, Just Business’ Slogan.”

Center analyst Edgar Vardanyan’s comments on “Accession to Customs or Eurasian Union?” are covered by Gala television.

Edgar Vardanian gives comments to Radio Liberty on Polish President’s statement on Armenia’s EU integration.


ACNIS analyst Saro Saroyan’s comments on “Why Has the Civil Society Become Inert?” are covered by 1in.am news agency.